Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Monday & Tuesday

So Monday was a karate/cross training night. It was mostly fine. I wasn't having a such a great night and ended up leaving a bit early from class. My knee was also bothering me a bit with the kicks and some of the stances.

Monday I also had to "recommit" to Team in Training. This basically means that you sign a form stating that you are going to complete the fundraising goal, and run in the marathon. On one of the forms required we had to put our expected pace per mile in the marathon. I put 10 minutes 30 seconds. I hope that I can do better than that, but my overall run might average out to around there. I am not worried about the fundraising goal - I think I have basically met it at this point which is just awesome. Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed. Your encouragement helps when the alarm goes off at 5am and its still dark out. :)

Tuesday morning I got up at 5am to go to the Lake Merritt buddy run. Lisa helps lead that run and I ran around the lake with her. It felt pretty good, though not as good as Saturday's run. But it was a nice solid 3.5 miles in about 40 minutes. I ate an energy bar (Hammer brand) an hour before the run, and a banana right after. My knee was feeling a lot better. I taped it before the run on Sunday, but didn't do it quite right and could definitely feel it. Tuesday morning, I taped it and it was a lot better. Virtually no pain at all. What i need to do is find time to get orthotic inserts for my shoes which will help stabilize the knee and how my foot is striking the ground.

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