Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Buddy runs - I ran a 5k! :)

So I was supposed to do strength training yesterday but didn't due to dinner with the in-laws.

Basically my training schedule is supposed to be
Sunday - long run (2-4 miles)
Monday - Strength training
Tuesday - 35 minute run
Wednesday - Cross training
Thursday- 35 minute run
Friday - Rest
Saturday - long run (2-4 miles)

So, to make up for missing last night, I got up at 5:15 this morning and went to the 5:55am Buddy Run at Lake Merritt. Basically a buddy run is a scheduled run with other TNT folks but there aren't any coaches. You are just supposed to run for a certain amount of time and then go home. I ended up running with Blair. She has been jogging for 10 years but is slow so my pace was not too bad for her. We chatted (I huffed & puffed as well) and we made it all the way around the Lake. For those of us counting at home, that would be 3.1 miles (which is 5k)! And I did it without walking at all. It took just about 35 minutes and I was back home by 7am. I still feel great so far.

Maybe this running thing ain't so bad...

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