Saturday, August 4, 2007

First run was today

So, today was our first run. I didn't actually run in circles either. We all met up at the Alameda Ferry landing at the early time of 7:45am (I had to get up earlier than I do for work!). We decided on a Team Name suggested by our Coach - "Team Do the Damn thing". Then we stretched out, and hit the trail. We had a choice to run 2, 3, or 4 miles. I am trying very hard to start slow and not overachieve so that I don't injure myself so I only did the 2 miles. Though when I hit the 1 mile mark I ran right past it and only turned around when a Team in Training Mentor ponted out that I had passed it.

So overall today was a great first day. I am traveling all this week for work, but I will try to run while traveling as best as I can. My Mentor suggested that I do 30 minute runs that consist of alternating 3 minutes running, 1 minute walking. We'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

Caro said...

I can't help out with the running, but I would certainly be up for a good long walk on Thursday. Or alternatively, I could do my elliptical machine (no impact for my poor knees) and you could run and then we could get some nice cold water and sprawl in my livingroom.